Liette Tousignant Receives Recognition

We are proud to announce that Liette Tousignant, company founder and inventor of the Hang & Level picture hanging tool, has been named French Female Entrepreneur of the Year by the Coalition des femmes de l’Alberta.

The Prix d’Excellence is awarded by The Coalition des femmes de l’Alberta and is given to business women who believe in the importance of offering services in both English and French. As Under the Roof is bilingual in all aspects including website and other media, product packaging and how-to information and videos, Liette was extremely qualified. The award also spotlights the value and importance of French culture in the work environment. Liette was awarded a beautiful photograph taken by artist Denise Parent.

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At Under The Roof Decorating our mission is to design innovative products that help you Create the home you love™.

We believe everyone should have a home they love that reflects who they are. Our passion is to design products to help you quickly and easily decorate your home—all on your own. Discover the joy of creating spaces you love, and the satisfaction of doing it yourself.

Our products are available online and at many retailers in the USA and Canada, including Target, Lowe's and The Home Depot.
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